.17 Hornet || .172 | 25gr | Berger Varmint

Load data for 13 loads in caliber .17 Hornet with .172 | 25gr | Berger Varmint bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity.
Product number: LID_B876_C18

Reloading data for caliber .17 Hornet with .172 | 25gr | Berger Varmint bullet.

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FR ... fill rate of the cartridge
%* ... max pressure of load in percent of the maximum allowed pressure for this caliber
z ...  powder burnt in percent

Reloading data for caliber .17 Hornet with .172 | 25gr | Berger Varmint bullet.
PowderChargeMax. PressureBarrel 23.6''Barrel 60cmBarrel 18.9''Barrel 48cm
WeightFRpsibar% *V(0) fpsV(0) m/szV(0) fpsV(0) m/sz
... cells marked in yellow are not dangerous but indicate possible (but not necessary) suboptimal characteristics such as extensive muzzle flash or inaccurate loads.

IMORTANT: Scale down to 90% when printing to ensure the load table gets displayed correctly!

Caliber: .17 Hornet
Propellant: ADI AR 2205, ADI AR 2207, Accurate 5744, Accurate No. 11 FS, Alliant Reloder-7, IMR 4227, Lovex D060, Lovex S053, ReloadSwiss RS 36, SNPE Vectan BA6 1/2, Shooters World Buffalo Rifle, Vihtavuori N110, Vihtavuori N120
Bullet Weight: 25 gr | 1.6 g
Bullet Diameter: 0.172 '' | 4.37 mm
Primer Size: Small Rifle (SR)
Bullet Length:0.57 '' | 14.5 mm
Case Length (l3):1.40 '' | 35.6 mm
Cartridge Length / OAL:1.70 '' | 43.1 mm
Seated Depth:0.28 '' | 7.0 mm
Case Capacity:13.6 Grains of Water | 0.89 cm3
Berger produces the highest grade bullets and ammunition commercially available today. We pride ourselves on quality and performance above all else. Our #1 goal is to help our customers shoot better. We accomplish this through innovative product design, continuous improvement of our production processes, and sharing the vast wealth of firsthand knowledge about the shooting sports with our customers and dealer network.
Berger bullets and ammunition are manufactured in the USA to what we consider to be “True Match Grade” quality. Meaning that our product has been proven to win in national and international competitions throughout various shooting disciplines. David Hamilton, Walt’s grandson and Berger’s Plant Manager, learned from his grandfather that “If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.” The Berger team has applied this motto company-wide and continues day-to-day to keep the highest quality standards for bullets and ammunition in the industry. This attention to manufacturing excellence is why we say our products are “True Match Grade” quality.

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